Monday, March 5, 2018

Profivex Powder : Premium Probiotic for Dogs and Cats

Disclaimer:  The information in this blog is for informational purposes only. I received this product for free in The words expressed on this blog are mine and mine alone. My words do not reflect the views or opinion of any other affilation. I 

Recently, my poor dog is 7 years old and was having the worst problem. It seemed everytime he would eat his stomach would give him some sort of a problem. He also had such horrible gas. It got to be a big problem because he was constantly passing gas and it was very smelly and not pleasent at all. I felt so bad for him. I would just  think about times that I would have a upset stomach and how miserable I was. I knew I had to do something but a large vet bill was not within my budget. This is when I found Profivex Powder Probiotics for Cats and Dogs.

When I got the package and I read the label I felt like I was finally getting something that would really help. It had no artificial ingredients or preservatives. It had fiber and 5 other types of probiotics to help get my dog back on track with his digestive issues.

I saw it was a fine powder that I can just sprinkle on his food and not anything too thick or grainy that my dog would not like. 

It even came with a little spoon to help measure out the powder and of course the instructions for use are on the back and according to weight. 

I gave my dog the Profivex Powder and I began to see a difference in his behavior. He didnt seem to have bad issues going to the bathroom and was becoming more regular. My favorite part and I am sure his too is the horrible, constant passing of gas was gone. I could not have asked for a better product.

If you have a dog or cat that is having digestive issues I would definitely suggest you give the Profivex Powder a try. You can purchase it here at this link:

If anyone out there has tried this product and wants to comment. I am all ears to hear your experience.

As always thanks for reading and bye for now.

The Dog Gang Collection by Yael Roseman

The Dog Gang Collection by Yael Roseman Disclaimer: Any views expressed in this blog are mine and mine alone. I was...