Friday, July 6, 2018

The Dog Gang Collection by Yael Roseman

The Dog Gang Collection
Yael Roseman

Disclaimer: Any views expressed in this blog are mine and mine alone. I was provided this book for free in return for a honest review. 

                I am always in the market for childrens books for my daughter, so I was very excited to have the opportunity to review the book Dog Gang Collection because she loves animals but most of all anything she loves dogs. 

              The Dog Gang Collection is a wonderful series of stories about dogs named Cleo, Bowie, and Zaza. They are friends that meet at the dog park regularly to play while their owners watch.They are young and playful but each has a very different personality. 

              First, there is Cleo. Cleo is a cute, playful, little black dog that is thin and can run very fast, she has a owner names Shila that loves her very much. Cleo especially enjoys being pet by her owner Shila. 

            The next member of the Dog Gang is Bowie, she is a big dog that can be a bit clumsy because even though she is a puppy, that is less than a year old, she is very large in size and still has a lot to learn. She is a big lovable dog that tries to be helpful, which can sometimes get her in a little trouble. Bowies owner is Benny, he tries to teach her what she should and should not do but as it always is when trying to teach, sometimes you have to do what is wrong to learn what is right.

         Lastly, there is Zaza, a bit of a diva, she loves to look pretty with her bows in her hair and be noticed as the prettiest dog in the park, dont let her fool you though she can be a little more active when she wants too. Her owner is Morin who makes sure she looks her best everytime.


     Bowie   Finds   a   Doll

            The first story in the collection is Bowie Finds a Doll. This story begins with Cleo, Bowie, Zaza playing ball as their owners watch. When they lose the ball, Bowie tries to retrieve it only to find a doll that belongs to a little girl. 

            The Dog Gang fight over the doll til their owners take the doll and return it to its owner. Bowie is recognized by her owner as finding the doll after Cleo and Zaza try to take credit for finding the doll.

           I found the story to very cute. The behavior of the dogs as described in the book as their playing turning into fighting over the doll was very realistic to how dogs play in real life at times. The one thing I did notice was that there was not a resolution or lesson learned in the story. about them fighting . would have been a good lesson about sharing and playing fair with other for children.

The Puppy

          The second story in the collection, The puppy, is about a new puppy that comes into Bowies life that she and her owner are taking care of him. The puppy has cute, white, soft fur and is still is not as careful as yet so Bowie tries to look after it. Bowie does get in a little trouble when she tried to taste him and quickly learned that she had to be more careful with him. 

Image result for The Little Puppy by Yael Roseman


                     Bowie tries to think of ways to take care of him and things that might make her happy. Bowie managed to get in trouble again trying to touch him again but did later save the puppy from falling into a fish pond. The puppy got scared and went into a thicket. Everyone in the Dog Gang tried to get her out but the bushes would hurt them. Bowie saved the day by pushing forward in the bushes to get the puppy even though it might hurt her and recieved great praise for her actions.

             This story I really liked because it showed that you have to learn how to care for others and protect them when they can not protect themselves. I think much younger children would like it and maybe they can relate to taking care of small animals if they have any.

A Thin Thread of Love

             A Thin Thread of Love, is the 3rd book in the Dog Gang Collection. In this book, Bowie's owner Benny has to go away for a far away trip and is leaving soon so he is putting Bowie in Deila's care while he was gone. 

Image result for A thin thread of Love

            While in Deilas care Bowie begins to act disobedient by not walking along with everyone, sometimes she wouldlag behind, and other times she would chase an animal and pull everyone. When they finally got to the park Bowie was very disruptive and they had to leave early. Upon leaving, Deila put a traingincollar on Bowie to show she was incontroland that she needed to behave. After Bowie gets upset and understands, they share a hug.

            I found this story to be very relatable because not only do you have to discipline your animals when they misbehave at times, it also relates to when children misbehave also, but of course there would be no training collar involved.

Cleo's Ears

              The forth installment of this collection, is Cleo's Ears, which is about Cleo and the things she can do with her ears that is different from other dogs. Cleo's ears were pointed at the tip and could bend.She loved showing of the tricks she could do with her ears. 


               Cleo showed them ear splits, she clapped her ears, and how she could cross her ears. Bowie wanted to try it but couldnot because her ears were different than Cleos. Cleo joked about Bowies ears and Zaza tried to do it also but to no avail. 

There was a new dog Spot, that was white with black spots, that was watching them the entire time and when Cleo ask him if he wanted to try. He told her no and exsplained to her how everyone is different in different ways and that each peron is special. 

I really liked this story, in fact it is my favorite one, because it is a great story for kids to read. This has a good lesson about not treating people bad because they are different for you and to understand that everyone has their own unique characteristics.

What's So Scary?

               In the final installment of the Dog Gang Collection, The Dog Gang is in the park on a rainy day. Cleo and Bowie were enjoying themselves getting wet and Zaza was making sure to stay dry. Everyone was having a good day til they heard thunder which frightened Zaza.

Image result for whats' so scary by Yael Roseman

             Bowie did not understand why Zaza was so scared. Bowie said she was not scared of anything. Zaza asked her if she is scared of several things but Bowie said no. Bowie didnt understand why anyone would be scared of all the things Zaza was scared of much less anything else. Just then Morin opened a umbrella and Bowie got scared and growled at the umbrella. When Morin closed the umbrella Bowie calmed down and tried to look at it. When he opened  Bowie got scared again. 

              I liked the story but I think it needs a little more detail at he end. The illustration looked a like it could have been better but it does show that everyone is afraid of something. 

Overall, I think the Dog Gang Collection is a good set of books. There are some stories that could use a little refining but the illustrations are good. I would recommend this book to anyone that has children from the age of 3 and above becausethey would understand that stories best. 

If you are interested in reading about the Dog Gang then you can view information for it at:

As always thanks for stopping by my blog and happy reading!



Tuesday, June 26, 2018

KISSPAT 14 K Gold Evil Eye Pendant

Kisspat 14 Carat Gold 

                        Evil Eye Pendant

Disclaimer: The views and/or opinions in this blog are mine and mine alone and in no way represent the views of any other person(s) or any other entities. I was provided this product in return for a clear and honest review.

                    When I was younger, I used to love dressing up, putting on jewelry, and going out for night on the town. Well, time has passed, and after 2 kids I realized that I had traded dressing up and wearing jewelry for a pair of pajama pants and a hair tie. Go ahead and laugh, I am. It is like one day you come to your senses and go "Oh my goodness. I gotta fix this!

              I decided that it was time I put a little pizzazz back into my life. Like everyone says, to get their groove back. LOL! One of the many things that I want to do is update my jewelry collection. I wanted something new that fit who I am now, open minded, low key, homebody, with a good sense of style.

             Around that time, I was presented with the awesome opportunity to receive the 14 carat gold plated brass Evil Eye Pendant by Kisspat for a honest review. As soon as I saw it I knew I just had to have this beautiful piece of jewelry. 

             Kisspat is a New York jewelry wholeseller of several trendy and unique pieces of jewelry and accessories. I must say I was super excited to try one of Kisspat's piece of jewelry.

                    When I received it in the mail, I admit I thought it was supposed to be bigger because I, silly little me, did not read the full description. So I fault that to no one else but myself. Besides, after actually seeing the necklace I realized it was the perfect size. The idea of the size I thought it was would have been really a bit to much for someone like me that is not flashy with jewlery at all. It came in a cute little box with the companies name on it.



                     The first thought I had was what outfit I could wear with my beautiful new necklace. I felt a sense of happiness thinking of all the different outfits to wear with it. I wasnt thinking of the good ole pajama pants and hair tie anymore. I am one step in the right direction.

                    The Evil Eye symbol is thought to be a symbol of protection when the symbol is worn as a talisman against wrong doings upon the person. If you believe this or not is a personal opinion but you have to admit it is beautiful.


            The Evil Eye Pendant is 14 K gold plated brass with cubic zirconia dazzling around a beautiful blue stone that brings the piece of jewelry all together. It is lightweight and as said in the description of the product, "is about the size of a penny". The necklace is 16 inches in length that is connected with a small clasp.

             As you can see in the picture above, the beautiful piece of jewelry is nice to wear and accents the neckline nicely. This necklace could be worn with any outfit, from jeans and a T-Shirt to formal wear. Any way you wear it, it will bring that extra piece to your outfit.

I personally liked this little piece of jewelry . It really fits my personality and sense of style. It solved my issue of finding some new jewelry for my collection that represents who I am now. I definitely plan to purchase more Kisspat jewelry in the future.

If you think you might also then you can look for more information at:

Be on the look out for future posts if I happen to find something shiny that catches my eye I will definitely be blogging about it. Until then, as always, happy reading. Hope you visit again.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Fresh Breath Dental Spray for Dogs from Zesty Paws

Fresh Breath Dental Spray for Dogs 
 Zesty Paws

Disclaimer: The views expressed on this blog are my own and my own alone. I was provided this product for my honest review.  The information in this blog is for informational purposes only. My words do not reflect the views or opinion of any other affilation. 

                Do you have a dog that has that not so pleasent breath? I think we all have and know that once you smell it something just has to be done. 

             Well I I had the pleasure of trying the Zesty Paws Peppermint & Spearmint Dog Fresh Breath Dental Spray. I was a skeptic about the spray at first but I must say it works pretty well. I will admit that it did not completely get rid of dog breath but I could barely smell it and this was fine with me.

                  The overall pros and cons are that as a pro the spray does work well. The con is that my dog did not like it sprayed in his mouth at all. I had to chase my 80+ lbs. dog, force him to open his mouth to spray it. 

If you find yourself in the market for something to make bad dog breath go away, check out the Peppermint &Spearmint Dog Fresh Breath Spray. You can select the link below if you are interrested in purchasing it.

Well as always thank you for stopping by to read and have a great rest of you day. Happy Reading!

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Terry Treetop and Abigail Book Collection by Tali Carmi

The Terry Treetop and Abilgail Collection

by Tali Carmi

Disclaimer: The information provided with in this blog expresses my own views and no one elses. I am responsible for the words provided in this blog and no one else. I  was provided the book in return for a honest review. This is my honest review that I am providing for my readers.

            The Terry Treetop Collection is a well illustrated book series with 6 books about Terry, also known as Terry Treetop, a 5 year old boy, that gets his nickname from his love of climbing trees. The other 4 books in the series collection consist of 4 books about Abigail, a young girl with a love of life and a great imagination.  



              Terry, named Terry Treetop, for his love of climbing trees, takes children on an adventure learning new lessons about making new friends, helping others when lost or needing help finding their way home. The stories even educate about recusing animals and mammal friends. 

             The Abigail series of books takes us to Abigails grandparents house where there is a magical bike that takes her to far away places making new friends, human and animal, as she goes to the jungle, the sahara, and the north pole. Children learn about the different climates and toches lightly about the customs of different people also. 

             The illustrations in the  Terry Treetop and Abigail Collection by Mindy Liang are great! I found the illustrations to be really kid friendly, these are pictures that children would enjoy. 

                The book series  is suggested for children 3 and up but I did read it to my 2 and 1/2 year old and she loved it too!!! I would recommend this series collection of book to anyone that has a child that loves books, has a great imagination, and loves adventure stories.

          If you find yourself interested in Terry Treetop and Abigail Book Collection you can find it at:

I hope everyone enjoyed this review. If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them. Happy reading!!!

Monday, March 5, 2018

Profivex Powder : Premium Probiotic for Dogs and Cats

Disclaimer:  The information in this blog is for informational purposes only. I received this product for free in The words expressed on this blog are mine and mine alone. My words do not reflect the views or opinion of any other affilation. I 

Recently, my poor dog is 7 years old and was having the worst problem. It seemed everytime he would eat his stomach would give him some sort of a problem. He also had such horrible gas. It got to be a big problem because he was constantly passing gas and it was very smelly and not pleasent at all. I felt so bad for him. I would just  think about times that I would have a upset stomach and how miserable I was. I knew I had to do something but a large vet bill was not within my budget. This is when I found Profivex Powder Probiotics for Cats and Dogs.

When I got the package and I read the label I felt like I was finally getting something that would really help. It had no artificial ingredients or preservatives. It had fiber and 5 other types of probiotics to help get my dog back on track with his digestive issues.

I saw it was a fine powder that I can just sprinkle on his food and not anything too thick or grainy that my dog would not like. 

It even came with a little spoon to help measure out the powder and of course the instructions for use are on the back and according to weight. 

I gave my dog the Profivex Powder and I began to see a difference in his behavior. He didnt seem to have bad issues going to the bathroom and was becoming more regular. My favorite part and I am sure his too is the horrible, constant passing of gas was gone. I could not have asked for a better product.

If you have a dog or cat that is having digestive issues I would definitely suggest you give the Profivex Powder a try. You can purchase it here at this link:

If anyone out there has tried this product and wants to comment. I am all ears to hear your experience.

As always thanks for reading and bye for now.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

A good book to read with your children

Disclaimer: The views that express about this book are my own and my own alone. No one is responsible for my views but myself. I was provided the book for free for a honest review.

I was looking for a nice book to read to my toddler daughter that is always on the go. I happened to come across the book, "A Bookworm's Feast", by Benny Levin. When I first saw the book I saw the happy book worm on the cover and thought the simplistic appeal of the pictures in this book would keep my daughter interested in the story because but yet still enjoy the pictures.

I found, "A Bookworm's Feast", to be cute, imginative short story about a bookworm and its adventurous travels though a book. I read it to my toddler, she seemed to like the illustrations and their colors, as I thought she would. I found , "A Bookworm's Feast", a good book to read too a child around a toddlers age or for a first learning how to read book for a child that is a little older. 

If you have a little one and would like a good story to read to them at night you can go to purchase it at:

If any of my readers find any other books for children that might be a good read, feel free to comment.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

A great read for new blogger/vloggers out there starting out

Disclaimer: The views expressed on this blog are my own and my own alone. I was provided this book for my honest review.

I had the pleasure to read and review the book, Video Blogging: Make Money Online through vlogging on YouTube and other video web marketing platforms by George Pain. I found the book to be so very informative. I was so surprised about all the information I did not know. I could not stop reading.

Video Blogging: Make Money Online through vlogging on YouTube and other video web marketing platforms by George Pain provided a lot of insight about the different platforms that could be used for blogging and vlogging, bringing traffic to your website through vlogging, becoming an affilate and more.

 If you have a interest in purchasing the book or have Kindle Unlimited you can check it out at: 
 If you have any suggestions of a a great book for anyone wanting to get into blogging/vlogging feel free to suggest them in the comments.

Disclaimer: The views expressed on this blog are my own and my own alone. I was provided this book for my honest review.

The Dog Gang Collection by Yael Roseman

The Dog Gang Collection by Yael Roseman Disclaimer: Any views expressed in this blog are mine and mine alone. I was...